Greetings from Team c0c0n!
We are extremely delighted to announce the Call for Workshops (CFW) for c0c0n 2024 This 4-day security gathering includes 2 days of training sessions and 2 days of activities, featuring engaging panels, talks, villages, CTFs, and, of course, plenty of fun!
We are expecting workshop submissions on the following topics, (But not limited to):
- Cloud Security
- Browser Security
- Offensive forensics
- Software Testing/Fuzzing
- Network and Router Hacking
- WLAN and Bluetooth Security
- Hacking virtualized environment
- Web Application Security & Hacking
- Malware analysis & Reverse Engineering
- New Vulnerabilities and Exploits/0-days
- Advanced Penetration testing techniques
- Antivirus/Firewall/UTM Evasion Techniques
- IT Auditing/Risk management and IS Management
- Cyber Forensics, Cyber Crime & Law Enforcement
- Mobile Application Security-Threats and Exploits
- Critical Infrastructure & SCADA networks Security
Submission Guidelines for Call for Workshop (CFW)
Note: Workshop Duration should be 2 days.
- Email your submission to: cfw [at] c0c0n [dot] org
- Email your submission to: cfw [at] c0c0n [dot] org
- Email subject should be: CFW c0c0n 2024 - *Workshop Title*
- Email Body:
Personal Information:
- Speaker Name:
- Job Role/Handle:
- Company/Organization:
- Country:
- Email ID:
- Contact Number:
- Speaker Profile: (max 1000 words)
If there is an additional speaker, please mention it here following the above format.
Workshop Details:
- Name/Title of the Workshop:
- Workshop Objective (max 3000 words):
- Course Content (ToC):
- Pre-requisite:
- Participants Requirements:
- Duration:
- Who should attend:
- What to expect:
- What not to expect:
- Have you conducted the workshop before on any other security / technology conference(s)? Yes or No
- The duration of the Workshop should be 2 days.
- If you do not get a confirmation email from the Call for Workshop (CFW) team, consider it as the submission did not find a place in the c0c0n training slots.
- For workshops with fewer than 40 participants, a maximum of 2 trainers or assistants is allowed.
Other Needs & Requirements:
- Do you need any special equipment?
- Do you (Trainer) need Internet access during the workshop?
- Do the participants need Internet access during the workshop?
- If you have any other requirement, please mention it here and the reason.
CFW Trainer Benefits:
- Complimentary Event registration (Corporate Category) for one trainer.
- Complementary Accommodation for 3 nights at one of our Event Partner Hotel
- Invitation to Day 1 Networking Dinner / Party.
- Accommodation for additional days can be extended at a discounted rates on payment basis.