Security professionals keen to learn the technical details of the Block chain and basics of cryptocurrencies.
Understanding of Security concepts and basics of cryptography, ability to execute hands on labs using Windows or Linux/Mac machine with simple python scrips or openssl commands
Understand the basic building blocks of Blockchain technology which empowers all the crypto currencies in the world. This 2 days workshop is divided into 2 parts. The first part of the day will introduce the attendees with basic cryptographic concepts that are used in Blockchains. Next we will learn the block structures and transactions and various protocols used in maintaining the distributed ledger of Blockchian.
Part 2 on the next day will focus on various attacks that can be carried out on Blockchain implementation right from the user wallets to the cryptographic schemes and smart contracts employed in a Blockchain.
All of these are learned with hands-on labs and practical attacks in a simulated environment.
We would also cover case-studies and as many questions as the attendees have to clear their basic understanding about the subject.
Understanding of Security concepts and basics of cryptography, ability to execute hands on labs using Windows or Linux/Mac machine with simple python scrips or openssl commands
Laptop with browser and openssl package installed for hands on learning.
2 days
Security professionals keen to learn the technical details of the Block chain and basics of cryptocurrencies.
Good understanding of the Blockchain using the case study of BitCoins and various attacks possible on such a system.
Ability to hack and gain millions of cryptocurrencies